
I saw these waterfalls for the first time in the early 1990’s with Rebecca Baird. We came to Thunder Bay to give artist talks on behalf of the Women’s Art Resource Centre. It was a nice trip and one of the high points was a visit to Kakabeka Falls. So on this trip across the […]

I saw these waterfalls for the first time in the early 1990’s with Rebecca Baird. We came to Thunder Bay to give artist talks on behalf of the Women’s Art Resource Centre. It was a nice trip and one of the high points was a visit to Kakabeka Falls. So on this trip across the […]

This was our first glimpse of Lake Superior. This part of the trip took the longest only because we kept stopping to look at something, rocks, water, more rocks etc.  We made a plan to go to see Rebecca Belmore’s Wave Sound at Pukaskwa National Park of Canada. This work is part of Landmarks 2017 […]

This was our first glimpse of Lake Superior. This part of the trip took the longest only because we kept stopping to look at something, rocks, water, more rocks etc.  We made a plan to go to see Rebecca Belmore’s Wave Sound at Pukaskwa National Park of Canada. This work is part of Landmarks 2017 […]

Anne and I left as planned and headed towards Sault St. Marie. We watched as the landscape began to change and soon we were at the point where huge rock formations, excavated to build the road, flanked the highway. With each turn of the road the formations became more beautiful. Deep greys, charcoal, pinks and […]

Anne and I left as planned and headed towards Sault St. Marie. We watched as the landscape began to change and soon we were at the point where huge rock formations, excavated to build the road, flanked the highway. With each turn of the road the formations became more beautiful. Deep greys, charcoal, pinks and […]