The Racine Room, Gladstone Hotel Artist Room

Created and designed by Susan Collett, Penelope Stewart and Nicholas Stirling

The architecture of the Gladstone being restored to its former glory gave us the inspiration to create a room that would reflect its new elegance while playing with contemporary notions of displacement. We are interested in the push and pull of travel, the longing for adventure while longing to be at home. Ideas such as…I am here… I was here… You are here… Wish you were here…. began to percolate. Maps, old postcards, stamps, old luggage, mazes all became source material to create the functional and the mise en scéne. A further element added to the space is a soundscape. The guest has the option of listening to a CD “audio postcard” composition or tuning into the regular outside radio broadcasts.

Selected Essays – New Craft in Old Spaces


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