Every garden is a replica, a representation, an attempt to recapture something…
Thicket, the exhibition comprises three haptic garden spaces created in the gallery; cleave…a path in the wilderness, a room sized installation of 12,000 beeswax leaves hangs on the wall like a tapestry flowing and carpeting the floor; gardens of forking paths an intimate video looped projection, a collection of photographs and a series of beeswax cast sculptures, expanding the visual field while creating a reciprocal conversation between image and object; and thicket, a column, a mass, a reference to both the mimesis of nature and culture, to the ruin and the architectural folly.
All three suggest a narrative, an odd collision of loss, separation, struggle, refuge, beauty and desire. They are not a complete mapping of each other but rather they are imaginary built landscapes, sensorial encounters and suggest the symbolic cycles of life and death.
Photograph credits Darin White at Wilfred Laurier University
Curator of Thicket, Suzanne Luke at Robert Langen Gallery, Wilfred Laurier University