Nætursól/Night sun, Ströndin Studios, Seyðisfjörður, Iceland (2023)

Nætursól/Night sun, Ströndin Studios, Seyðisfjörður, Iceland

I was very excited when I got the news that Dianne Bos was going to hold her master class in alternative photography in Iceland. I had been to Iceland once before but a very short visit, so I was really looking forward to experiencing the country more fully and with cameras. I arrived in Reykjavik, our first stop, travelling with two other artists Peggy Reid Taylor and Nina Levitt. We headed to the SIMS artist guest house where we would stay for a couple of days before heading to Seydisfjordur to the Ströndin Studio for the master class.

We were tired after a long day of travel but excited and decided a good walk exploring the city, the photo museum, and the harbour followed by a good meal was in order. Day 2 we took a tour of what is known as the Golden Circle, a geological tour that took us to the volcanic site of the Kerid Crater where the tectonic plates formed deep moss- covered crevices, the famous Gulfoss waterfalls and the Strokkur Geyser followed by a relaxing swim at the Blue Lagoon. A fantastic day learning about geology and geothermal power.

After a short weather delay, we flew to Seydisfjordur, unpacked at our guest house in town and then headed along the fjord to the Ströndin Studio. We were introduced to the space, the darkroom and each other ready for the next morning when we would begin in earnest to explore, lumens, cyanotype, anthotype and or pinhole photography. 

My first morning began with a short forage for plant material to use as stencils.  I found lupins, horsetail, dandelions and seaweed.  I had also brought some negatives and positives to integrate. My goal was to experiment more with lensless photography and understand the processes and exposure times. 

Each day began with a short tutorial and then we were free to work in the studio or wander foraging or taking photos with all sorts of cameras. Afternoons were often spent hiking.  The big hike was to the Bird Cliffs which housed hundreds of terns, and puffins.

It was a fantastic time, wonderful people and inspiring landscape. I look forward to another visit in the future.
